Wednesday 23 January 2013

Closer look at Macros - 18th Feb 2013 7:30pm

If you have macro lens, close up filter or extension tube, bring them along and give each other tips.

Also need stuff to photograph and maybe light source(desk lamp?)

I have canon 100mm macro and also olympus zuiko macro lens with a canon to olympus adaptor.

Also need a tripod!

Location - St Cuthbert's Church, Cheadle SK8 2DT

Parking - NO parking on Cuthbert Road (to keep the neighbors happy ;-), but lots of space at the shops opposite and on Park Road (also opposite).

Drinks - Tea, Coffee provided

Contact Lisa if you are coming or want more info.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Portrait Meet - Ambient Light/Off trigger flash - Sat 19th Jan 11am - 3pm

Max Places 15 (not including Rick and Mark).. no more than 15 (currently at time of writing 2 places left). 

Cost £5 per head to cover model. This way we get to shoot with a professional model and the cost is minimal. 

If you can not longer make it please remove yourself from the going list and post an update in this event thread so people will know we have a space free and please give good notice.

We will cover shooting portraits using ambient light (if enough of it and its not pissing down outside) and with flash. Covering the basic elements and provide tips on getting started. 

Ambient Light will cover finding good light and Exposure (Aperture Shutter Speed and ISO)

Flash will cover the variables of flash exposure and if we have time and people are understanding it combining flash and ambient.

One thing guys, once you learn this stuff (even starting out) go practice... seriously do it! You will fall over, fail just get back up dust off and go again.. mistakes are our best friends.. we learn from them.

I have written a gear advice list for a starting off camera lighting kit which I will post in the group docs. 


You should... know your way round your camera. Read and bring your manual. 

If you don't understand basic none flash exposure at all then these posts may help you, you need to understand this before going to flash.. have to. Please don't take it as me pushing New To Photo on the group, I am not.. just want people to have info needed and if it helps just one person both Myself and Mark are happy. If anyone objects to me posting these links, speak up.. please.. no problem at all.

Exposure Fundamentals - Stops -

Exposure Nuances -

The flash stuff will be covered on the day, in theory and lots of practical


You will need....
  • Camera
  • Len(s) a kit lens is fine or anything between 50mm and 135mm. You don't need to bring all your lens. 
  • Camera Batteries - Bring a spare if you have one, cold kills battery.
  • 2 Memory cards - always always bring more than 1 card if one goes bad or you fill it you have a backup.
  • No tripods but if you need a steadying device a mono pod will be fine.
  • If you have a flash and triggers bring em.

Rick and Mark will provide ...

  • Lights (we have plenty last count 10)
  • Wireless triggers for Canon, Nikon and other brands - Sony shooters you will need a hot shoe adapter or your own triggers set to work with Sony.. they have a proprietary (menolta) hot shoe.
  • Light Stands
  • Brackets
  • Modifiers (60" Umbrellas, Reflectors) That's it. 
  • Background set with white/black sheet. - We most likely wont use this but will throw it in the car incase.

Contact Lisa for more details